Where to research...

This is potentially and endless question and this page could end up being a bibliography of huge proportions, however it is not going to be for two simple reasons.

  1. It is your job to do the research
  2. If we work together we will make the job of finding resources much easier
You are going to post blogs on all of your research. You will also be given a short code which relates to the project that you have selected. Every time you find an interesting article or website or video - you will not only post it but label your post with the code so that other people that are doing the same project as you can use the same research.

If everyone does their bit we will have a huge amounts of resources which can be used to the benefit of everyone.

That said I will give you a little heads up on some useful places to start your research.

Remember most of your research will be academic, this means that it has come from the brains of people that write and think about the media.

Some of it will be factual research. The kind of stuff that you can use databases and search engines for.

The following list of sites is not exhaustive but sould be a good place to start:

  • Wikipedia - with a health warning - this is good only as a starting point!

Be thorough when looking through sites - don't always search for the most obvious things and make sure you read rather than just surf from one place to the next!

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