Lesson 6 - Laura Mulvey & The Male Gaze

Being able to apply MORE THAN ONE critical debate to Vertigo is essential if you are to succeed in this section of the exam.

Laura Mulvey is a film theorist who wrote the paper:

"Visual Pleasure and the Narrative Gaze"

Her work concludes that most media (inc. Films) is constructed through the eyes of a man. As a result all media products present women as objects to be desired - we are encouraged to take 'Visual Pleasure' from the representation of women.

Mulvey claims that film is a predominently male industry and as a result it's output is predominently male.

The slides below provide a detailed explanation of the theory and will show you how to apply the theory to Vertigo

'Spellbound By Beauty"


Constructed by the Gaze

This short documentary explains the basic princicples of The Male Gaze Theory